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Happy Halodays from Bungie

Bungie’s artists have come up with this very nice season’s greetings card. I suspect it doesn’t say Merry Christmas because of political correctness…

I love how we have the Master Chief sitting in the chair with his helmet off!

FAQ about the Bungie Mobile App

Urk has provided a FAQ about the Bungie Mobile App for your Iphone…
Confusion abounds, but we have the balm guaranteed to soothe your aching brains. If you’re perplexed about Bungie Mobile, Blue Flames, or that new boil on the back of your neck, scroll down to get it all sorted out.

Q. What devices and operating systems are supported?

Supported Devices: iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad
Supported OS: iOS 4+

Q. I don’t have a compatible device. I’m just going to give my username and password to a complete stranger online. That’s cool, right?

No. That’s a terrible idea. Never give your security credentials to anyone for any reason. Even if they offer free candy.

Q. When will this be coming to Android, Blackberry, Sidekick, Palm Pilot, etc.?

We’re not ready to announce phase 2 features at this time. That said, we hear non-iPhone users loud and clear. Same goes for feature requests covering forums, more robust stat integration, and free puppies. We make no specific promises, but we will be updating the app in the future.
Keep the comments coming and hang tight.

Q. So, I can only get Blue Flames if I currently use iOS?

Yes, but only in the short term. Keep your eyes on for news on this front soon.

Q. How do I enable Blue Flames in Halo: Reach?

Once you’ve activated it through the app, Blue Flames will show up in the Armory under Armor Effects, labeled “Eternal.”

Q. How do I enable the Bungie Nameplate?

Enable Blue Flames using the app and then visit your profile page on You’ll need to have your gamertag linked.

Q. Do I get to keep these spectacular gifts after Bungie Day?


Q. Wait. What’s a Bungie Mobile?

Oh, guess that would have been a great place to start. Click here.