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Game Of Thrones

Westeros Would Be Fancier With These House Sigil Bow Ties

stark bow tie

Imagine that just for one night, the residents of Westeros put aside their peasant dresses and worn armor and went modern-formal. There would be elegant gowns (though Game of Thrones already has plenty of those) and possibly bow ties. I can definitely picture the likes of Robb Stark and Joffrey Lannister buttoning up and wearing the sigils of their respective houses on their ties.

Even if that’s not practical for them, you can represent your chosen house with your neck tie. Etsy seller Mary & Mary’s have options available for Starks, Targaryens, Lannisters, and Baratheons. If those don’t float your boat, you can also check out her shop for a bevy of other ties with nerdy prints.

See more houses after the break.

baratheon bow tie

lannister bow tie

targaryen bow tie

Product Page ($10)

‘Game of Thrones’ As A Romantic Comedy, Mark Wahlberg’s ‘Iron Man’, And Other Mashups

Quentin Tarantino Rewrites Classic Disney Movies mashups

Good afternoon you princes of Maine, you kings of New England, you stalkers of adorable Corgis. Here are all the mashup and parody videos I didn’t get a chance to cover, thrown in your face like you’re Jodie Foster working for the FBI.

Quentin Tarantino Rewrites Classic Disney Movies mashups

In the offing for today:

  1. FIRST VIDEO: What if Game of Thrones were a romantic comedy in which Tyrion and Sansa were the will-they / won’t-they couple? (Asked nobody ever.) There’s some masterful editing in this mashup. [via The Mary Sue]
  2. SECOND VIDEO: Mark Wahlberg said he’d love to play Iron Man. Official Comedy responded with this trailer for Iron Man: A Film by Mark Wahlberg. GO SAWKS. [Thanks to Evan for sending this in.]
  3. THIRD VIDEO: Chance McClain made this mashup of Star Wars and Les Miserables. Okay then. [via Geeks Are Sexy]
  4. FOURTH VIDEO: Jeong Hoon skillfully used the music generator in 1992 SNES game Mario Paint to make a cover of Daft Punk’s “Get Lucky”. Or, to paraphrase a couple of YouTube commenters, he’s 1UP all night to get Yoshi. [via Paste Magazine]
  5. Image credits: Two entries in the Quentin Tarantino Rewrites Classic Disney Movies series written by Alex J. Mann and designed by Jennifer Sanders.

Meet the Head of House Tyrell – Roger Ashton-Griffiths Joins ‘Game of Thrones’


Son of the Queen of Thorns, Lady Olenna, father to Loras and Margaery, and head of the House Tyrell. He’s a big man, both figuratively and literally, and a big man is needed to fill the role. Look no further than Roger Ashton-Griffiths, an actor you probably recognize immediately but can’t quite place. That’s because he’s in virtually everything, from Brazil to King Ralph to A Knight’s Tale to Gangs of New York. And those are only his more high profile, film roles, he’s also appeared on dozens upon dozens of British television shows. So, y’know, this guy’s no amateur.

It’s simply another triumph in casting for HBO‘s Game of Thrones. Author George R.R. Martin made the announcement on his blog, Not a Blog, yesterday afternoon,

He’s a father, he’s a son. He’s been a bishop, a cardinal, a prior, a friar, a vicar, a knight, a lord, a mayor, a director. There’s one born every minute, but by any other name he’d smell as sweet. Yes, it’s the fine British character actor Roger Ashton-Griffiths, who has been cast in the role of Mace Tyrell, son to the Queen of Thorns, and father of Loras and Margaery.

With every new role cast for Season 4, the more excited I am. To bring you up to date we have: Pedro Pascal as The Red Viper, Indira Varman as Ellaria Sand, and Mark Gatiss in some mystery role. I know many of you solely-TV viewers can’t imagine it, but where the story goes from here is even more epic than where we left everyone in Season 3. And these characters, especially those from Dorne, will be a big part of the coming excitement. What do you think of all this recent casting?

Source: CBM

Giant Dragon Skull Found on Dorset Beach Celebrates ‘Game of Thrones’


Just when you thought it was safe to go back to the beach after the Sharknado, a giant 40 foot dragon skull was discovered on the Charmouth Beaches of West Dorset, England’s Jurassic Coast. Forget about running into dragons on the beach, what about whatever ate that dragon to the bones? That’s what everyone should worry about.

The whole thing is an interesting marketing celebration of the addition of third season of Game of Thrones to the movie and TV streaming services of Blinkbox, on July 15th.

Ben Ayers of Blinkbox had this to say:

Game of Thrones is easily the most talked-about TV show of the moment, we wanted to mark its arrival on Blinkbox with a spectacle every bit as dramatic as this amazing series.

I love the whole idea, take a look at the gallery below to get an idea of the size and workmanship that went into the project. The Dragon Skull was created by a team of three and took over two months to construct and place.




got skull


Via: Comicbookmovie

Nerdy Bits: ‘Game of Thrones’ Pizza, Star Destroyer Cake, ‘Skyfall’ Honest Trailer, Mr. and Mrs. Sith Lightsaber Fight, and MOAR!


Every day the internet produces an astounding amount of goodies and gems. Most hilarious, some amusing, but all worth at least a few seconds of your time. We here at Nerd Bastards try to bring you the best bits of news and nerdery the webz has to offer, with a bit of snark thrown in. But sometimes not everything makes the cut. Monday through Friday we’ll be bringing you our inbox leftovers, our forgotten bookmarks, the nerdy bits that simply slipped through the cracks. You can submit items to Nerdy Bits by emailing us at

ABOVE: Game of Thrones house sigil pizzas. Toppings are coming… [ObviousWinner]


Assassins Creed Figures by McFarlane Toys. Series one will feature seven figures, including two versions of Connor and one Haytham Kenway. No word yet on vehicles or boxed sets, but the figures will come with codes to unlock in-game content: things like new weapons, clothing colors or other customization options. [ToplessRobot]


This is the Imperial Star Destroyer birthday cake made by Lorenzo Wood. It’s delicious goodness has me in it’s tractor beam. I’m being pulled in for NOMS. [Geekologie]

eye1 (1)

Mega Man inspired eye shadow. You can get a blue bomber make-up tutorial via Jangsara


Big Barda cosplayed by Evina Luna. A pair a boots, a loin cloth and paper helmet, the rest is painted flesh. Giggity! [FashionablyGeek]


A family AT-AT’s found in the wild yonder. [RedandJohnny]

Stargate SG-1 fans, behold: MGM plans to release the first episode of a tablet-based Stargate game in just a month. [GAS]

The Honest Trailer gang have a reputation for mocking Hollywood’s biggest movies – and now they’ve turned their loving mockery on Skyfall. [NerdApproved]

Mr. and Mrs. Sith lightsaber fight. It’s nice when couples enjoy foreplay without having to Force it. I wish my girlfriend would lick my blade like that. [GeekTyrant]

And now, T-Shirts You Gotta Buy…TODAY! (Before they’re gone.)




Don’t forget about our Nerd Bastards’ tees, available at RedBubble!

Nerdy Bits: Chuck Taylors Crocheted w/Geeky Designs, Soaps of Westeros, Real Life Mario Kart Injury, Hobbiton Weather Report, and MOAR!

Every day the internet produces an astounding amount of goodies and gems. Most hilarious, some amusing, but all worth at least a few seconds of your time. We here at Nerd Bastards try to bring you the best bits of news and nerdery the webz has to <a href="; title="Waterproof iPod Shuffle GREEN (4th Gen 2GB) by Underwater Audio – Free and Discounted Waterproof Headphone Promotion! <>” target=”_blank”>offer, with a bit of snark thrown in. But sometimes not everything makes the cut. Monday through Friday we’ll be bringing you our inbox leftovers, our forgotten bookmarks, the nerdy bits that simply slipped through the cracks. You can submit items to Nerdy Bits by emailing us at

Above: Yup, Summer Glau laying one on the Serenity. You’re welcome. [Geeks Are Sexy]

We feature a lot of fab cosplayers, and definitely plenty of Harley Quinn’s and Poison Ivy’s, but these creations by Ryoko-demon and Rei, here photographed by Kifir, are my new favorites. The designs are so imaginative and impeccably made! [Fashionably Geek]

These crocheted Converse Chuck Taylors by Pretty Sneaky will be must for your holiday wish list. They feature designs from Stars Wars, classic NES games, Doctor Who, and more. Check out their Etsy store. [Fashionably Geek]

First, what a hilarious and precious kid costume. Second, what are the chances this kid even knows who Hannibal Lector is? [Geek Tyrant]

Oh my GLOB! We’ve seen these Funko Pop figures before, but never with so much attitude. Just check out those lumps! [The Mary Sue]

Clean yourself like one of the great houses of Westeros with these house sigil soaps from Geek Soap. Available in in Stark, Lannister, Baratheon, and Targaryen. [Nerd Approved]

A school in Australia held its annual billy cart derby and, of course, one of the entries dressed as Mario. It all ended roughly how a live action Mario Kart race would, with broken bones. [Kotaku]

And now from down under – though this time New Zealand – the weather, presented in Elvish and including a weather update for Hobbiton. These people are really rallying behind this franchise, and I love it. [Geekologie]

YouTuber Erin Stevenson took the audio of The Hobbit trailer, added the visuals of Adventure Time, and what we get is this rad re-imagining of Bilbo’s adventures through Finn the Human. Honestly, I’m a little surprised we haven’t seen anything like this from Adventure Time, officially.[The Mary Sue]

Man, things are moving so fast with the new Star Wars films from Disney. In this video, George Lucas teases a few of their upcoming features you won’t want to miss. [Laughing Squid]

And now, T-Shirts You Gotta Buy…TODAY! (Before they’re gone.)

(Click Em’ to Buy Em’)

Don’t forget about our Nerd Bastards’ tees, available at Split Reason!

Buy a NerdBastards Tee

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Lena Headey Thinks us Geeks are Pretty Cool

While her recent work on Game of Thrones as Queen Cersei has certainly earned her lots of attention, Lena Headey is no stranger to genre work and the fervent fans that come with it. She starred in 300 as the Spartan queen Gorgo and was the titular hero on The Sarah Connor Chronicles, add that to her latest gig as Ma-Ma in the upcoming Dredd and she’s becoming a popular lady among the nerdy crowd. And as it turns out, she loves it!

Recently speaking to The Telegraph, Headey shared how she feels towards those really, really devoted fans,

With fantasy and sci-fi, it’s based in a real fandom. You’re presenting to experts, and their source material is really important to them. They’ll come up and ask: ‘so when you turned your head slightly in that scene, what were you thinking?’

I enjoy that, because the battle is over the interpretation, and they’re more interested in the character than they are in you. There’s something cooler about the geek.

I’ve thought there was was something cool about “the geek” for years now, it’s why I am one! Good to see Headey agrees as well. Do you think “the geek” represents a better informed and therefore more attentive audience?

Source: Blastr