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Three New DLC Maps in November

So with no surprise at all, Bungie have officially announced the release of three new maps for Halo: Reach. Coming to an xbox near your living room on November 30th. The three multiplayer maps are Tempest, Anchor 9 and Breakpoint.

Here’s the official guff from bnet.

After sticking its curious claws out of the sack prematurely a few weeks back, the cat is finally and officially out of the bag. Yup, we’re working on DLC, now dubbed the Noble Map Pack, and yes it is shipping soon. November 30th in all stores everywhere (and on Xbox LIVE Marketplace).

And while apparently that’s not fast enough for some of you, this trio of new multiplayer maps are definitely worth the wait. Our DLC team has been diligently working on these new maps for months and they just hit content complete this past Wednesday night. That means from here on out, all that’s between you and the Noble Map Pack is some liberally applied spit and polish. We’ll make sure we rub ’em all down just right before we hand them over.

Anchor 9

This week we’ve been playing a ton of matches to gather up footage for a trailer, zipping around Anchor 9’s symmetrical halls, lurking in the rocks on Tempest to ogle the swirling skybox, and literally blowing the doors off of the research facility in Breakpoint to get our own claws on some succulent Forerunner data. It’s been a blast. We can’t wait for you to take them all for a spin.


Halo 4 to have dedicated Grifball Mode

It’s hard to believe that Grifball has endured so well from it’s early days of forge in Halo 3 to become a full on entity in its own right. 343 Industries have announced at PAX that Grifball will have a dedicated Grifball mode.

343, you’re doing it right.

In other Pax news, multiplayer map Exile was revealed by way of a bit of Capture the Flag game play.