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Iron Man cosplay

Nerdy Bits: Chainsaw Carved T-Rex, 1st Person Sonic, Link Does Iron Man, the End of Time and MOAR!!!


Every day the internet produces an astounding amount of goodies and gems. Most hilarious, some amusing, but all worth at least a few seconds of your time. We here at Nerd Bastards try to bring you the best bits of news and nerdery the webz has to offer, with a bit of snark thrown in. But sometimes not everything makes the cut. Monday through Friday we’ll be bringing you our inbox leftovers, our forgotten bookmarks, the nerdy bits that simply slipped through the cracks. You can submit items to Nerdy Bits by emailing us at

ABOVE: This chainsaw carved T-Rex is so epic it will blast you all the way back to the Cretaceous period! Yes, that’s right, I did say chainsaw carved. Scott Dow carved this giant wooden terrible lizard with a chainsaw! You can’t get any more badass than that, can you? Actually, you probably can, because Dow has other animal carvings on his site Animalistic Art. [Obvious Winner]

optimus prime ring

I love nerdy jewelry but it’s usually reserved for the ladies. This Optimus Prime ring comes in sizes 3 to 14, so it’s perfect for ladies and gents! [Neatorama]

alphabet films

Not all of the films chosen for Doaly’s Project 26, an illustrated alphabet, are nerd worthy, but most of them are. I love that Young Frankenstein is the example for Y! [Design Taxi]

dalek purse

Doctor Who merchandise is everywhere these days and most of it isn’t that innovative at this point. This dalek purse, however, is unlike anything I’ve ever seen before! This felt purse is full of little details that make it worth its price of $190 a little easier to swallow. In case you’re wondering, the dalek’s head flips open to reveal the inside of the bag.

loki toaster

Everyone loves toast, especially misunderstood villains like Loki. Loki loves toast so much that he needs his own special toaster made out of brass, copper, silver and bronze and decorated with Nordic symbols. [Neatorama]


A lot of cosplay mashups are adorable. Some are ingenious. Some are sexy. Others, like this Iron Man/Link mashup are just fucking awesome. [Geekologie]

end of time xkcd

Randall Munroe has finally ended the xkcd series entitled “Time” after 3.099 panels. You can watch a time-lapse version of the story here. [the Verge]

This first person reenactment of Sonic the Hedgehog will make you nostalgic and dizzy all at the same time. [Geekologie]

This reimagining of Iron Man as an 8-bit video game is adorkable…. and also a bit alarming because I just realized that I’m old enough to remember when graphics like these were the best you could get. [Geeks Are Sexy]

I know most of us want to live our lives pretending that the Batman and Robin movie never happened, but this Honest Trailer amusingly reminds us that this movie somehow made it to theaters. [YouBentMyWookie]

And now, T-Shirts You Gotta Buy…TODAY! (Before they’re gone.)


whovian shirt


(click ’em to buy ’em)

and don’t forget the ever-popular official Nerd Bastards tee available at Red Bubble:
