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Guardians of the Galaxy

‘Guardians of the Galaxy’: Bradley Cooper Officially Playing Rocket Racoon – Chris Pratt and Kevin Feige Say Stuff


Marvels upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy has officially announced the casting of it’s final, and most curious role. You know him, you love him, he’s the gun toting fury known as Rocket Raccoon. Confirming last week rumors, he’s to be played by none other than Bradley Cooper. A trigger happy raccoon with a Cockney accent is to be played by a mediocre westerner… yeah, that makes sense.

Cooper joins Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Lee Pace, Michael Rooker, Karen Gillan, Djimon Hounsou, Benicio del Toro, John C. Reilly, Glenn Close, Vin Diesel and Gregg Henry in the sci-fi adventure featuring a comical company of galactic protectors.

I may have my doubts about an actor known for having 1 too many Hangovers, but I’ll give him a shot (see what I did there). Roles of prominence never go to the actors we think we want (in my case, I wanted David Tennent for this), but rather the ones we never knew we wanted. So, there’s room for surprise. With that said, I bet a lot of women will be disappointed that he won’t be physically in the movie.

In other Guardians of the Galaxy news, actor Chris Pratt and marvel talking head Kevin Feige, said a whole lot about the upcoming spectacular.

In an interview with IGN Pratt discussed what his experience has been like shooting the film,

It’s been really great. It’s hard to even put into words, especially for someone like me who has the vocabulary of a sixth-grader. It’s been a real trip. There’s a lot of super talented people working on it – artists. That’s what I always loved about comic books as a kid, the drawings. I didn’t ever read them that much. I wasn’t too big into the stories, but I loved the artwork and the covers. I’d like to draw a lot as a kid myself. So to see that, as they did making these comic books, they’ve hired the best artists in the world to do the concept artwork and to design these worlds. It’s so imaginative and so unreal. We’re working really hard and I’m in a bit of a daze, but I just can’t wait for people to see what we’re doing out there. I think that footage they showed at Comic-Con is very accurate to the movie that we’re making. I thought that footage was pretty badass.

He goes on to talk about the tone of the film saying,

Yeah, I think tone is the major thing we have to accomplish, a consistent tone, going from silly and comedic to high-stakes drama and action, and everything in between. It’s really up to James, and I trust everything that he’s doing. I think we’re getting good stuff. I don’t know what to say about it other than it might be…Oh! It’s the greatest movie of the 21st century! That’s what I’ll say. It’ll be the Citizen Kane of movies other than Citizen Kane.

In a separate interview with Empire Kevin Feige fielded a whole lot of questions about the film as well. Here’s the best of them:

On the if the film will take place at the same time as the other Phase Two movies:

“The general answer is yes. It’s not exactly revealed what year or month it is in relation to the other Phase Two films. But yes, it’s the same time.”

On if it’s more of a stand-alone film:

“Certainly more than the others. We’ve already said that Thanos plays a part in it and is a character in it. That in and of itself should tell you it’s connected to the other worlds.”

On the main villain:

“Ronan The Accuser (Lee Pace) is very much the main bad guy. And Thanos is lurking above it all. You will learn more about Thanos in Guardians, for sure. Certainly you’ll get more than the one turn-around-and-smirk. You’ll get much more than that.”

He also gave brief breakdown of each of the characters in the Guardians team.

“They are an unlikely band. It’s pure circumstance that brings them all together throughout the course of the movie.

  • “Rocket [Raccoon] has been genetically and mechanically altered, he’s an experiment from one part of the galaxy.
  • “Groot is a species that happens to look like trees look, and is quite communicative if you can understand the different inflections in the way he says, ‘I am Groot.’
  • “Peter Quill left Earth in the mid-’80s, but when we meet back up with him he’s very much a citizen of the Universe.
  • “Drax (Dave Bautista) has one goal and one goal only, which is to kill Ronan because of a past tragedy.
  • “When we meet Gamora (Zoe Saldana), she’s a bad guy working with Ronan and Nebula (Karen Gillan) and Korath (Djimon Hounsou), and by extension for Thanos. Gamora doesn’t necessarily like doing that anymore, and tries to find a new path for herself. But she has such a reputation as the deadliest woman in the galaxy that people aren’t greeting her with open arms.”

Sources: GeekTyrant (Pratt and Feige comments) and Marvel

Khal Drogo May Fight Alongside Andy Dwyer In ‘Guardians Of The Galaxy’

At least four actors have reportedly tested for the role of Drax the Destroyer in Guardians Of The Galaxy: Isiah Mustafa, Dave Bautista, Brian Patrick, and Jason Momoa. Latino Review claims Jason Momoa’s screen test “went so good [sic] that Marvel offered him the part and his reps have now countered, so the negotiations are ongoing.”

A writer for The Hollywood Reporter tweeted a contradictory statement that Jason Momoa had tested for the part but hadn’t been offered the role yet. Then the Latino Review writer countered that Marvel had offered the role, but Momoa’s negotiating for more money. Then they both wrote catty things about each other in their burn books, we imagine. GRRR, BLOGGING.

Appearing first in the pages of Iron Man, Drax was once once a human whose family was killed by Thanos. (The big guy introduced at the end of The Avengers.) His body destroyed, the human’s spirit was re-housed in a different body and rechristened Drax. The explicit reason for his resurrection: destroy Thanos. [/film]

You may know Jason Momoa from the Conan reboot or Bullet to the Head, but we’ll always remember him as Khal Drogo on Game of Thrones. If he does get the job opposite Parks and Rec‘s Chris Pratt, this will finally bump up the pageviews on our Parks and Recreation / Game of Thrones crossover fanfic. We were just ahead of the curve on that one.

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‘Guardians Of The Galaxy’ Starts Hunting For Peter Quill

Guardians Of The Galaxy is coming in 2014, so Marvel has to get moving. And apparently casting has kicked into full gear, as they’re looking for the male lead.

So far, the reported nominees for astronaut Peter Quill are Joel Edgerton, Jack Huston, Jim Sturgess, Lee Pace, and Eddie Redmayne. You probably know Lee Pace from Pushing Daisies or as the fabulous Thranduil from the upcoming Hobbit movies; Huston is a regular on Boardwalk Empire; Joel Edgerton is pretty much everywhere right now; Jim Sturgess was the subject of the crappiest Beatles joke ever committed to film in a movie full of them; and Eddie Redmayne is an indie actor about to be featured in Les Miserables.

Of the current crop, Pace is probably the best choice, mostly because Sturgess and Redmayne look like they’re barely out of high school. In addition to playing an elf and a dude with an undead girlfriend, he was also the lead in The Fall, which is probably one of the heaviest dramas to come out in the last ten years and is anchored by Pace’s performance as a drug-addicted, self-loathing stuntman, putting him solidly in the category of “people who got massively robbed at the Oscars”. It’s on Netflix, and it’s worth seeing; how Pace didn’t break out as a star after that is kind of a mystery.

Either way, expect to see more casting news quickly on this one: It’s going to be effects-heavy and they need to get in front of the cameras, pronto.

The post ‘Guardians Of The Galaxy’ Starts Hunting For Peter Quill appeared first on UPROXX.