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Star Wars Bits: Carrie Fisher’s Return? Lucasfilm to Produce 2-3 Films a Year

The nerd world is buzzing with rumors and possibilities of what could be with Star Wars Episode VII. Many of the talk surrounds the original cast. Carrie Fisher has been hounded by press and geeks alike with the question will she reprise her role as the infamous Princess Leia? After a recent appearance on the show The Talk (don’t worry we don’t know what it is either) we may be closer to a real answer, sort of.

When asked if she would return her response was the hilarious self deprecating alcoholic humor we’ve come to expect.

She has never been gone. As far I know, she has been with me forever!

The story she’s set for her character?

I like to think of it as ‘old Leia’, like, sway-backed old Leia the horse. I like the idea of being Mrs Solo, and we’ve just fought and fought and…I killed him, but I’m sorry. I’m sorry – that’s right, I feel badly and I probably had an affair with some general.

So maybe it’s not a real answer, but it’s better than what we’ve had so far. We would be elated to see any of the original cast return, just keep her away from the gold bikini…and the booze.

In other Star Wars news!

In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly the head of Lucasfilm, Kathleen Kennedy stated the company would like to produce ‘..Two or three films a year.”. Before we get all excited/nervous/angry remember that includes possible Indiana Jones flicks, original content, or if we’re lucky a sweet ass sweet Clone Wars, Pixar mashup. Whatever they decide there is nothing we can do to sway their decisions, so we might as well sit back and enjoy the ride. Splash Mountain to be specific.

Sources: ComicBookMovie, Kotaku

Harrison Ford Open to Returning as Han Solo in Episode VII – Hell Yeah!

Besides wondering who would be chosen to direct Star Wars Episode VII – here’s a likely candidate, by the way – fans have been very curious about whether or not the original cast has been asked to return. And more importantly, would they be needed at all! We know Episode VII will take place after Return of the Jedi, but how long after? Will we be watching the continuing journey of Luke Skywalker or will it be another hero’s story? Whatever the tale, Entertainment Weekly is reporting Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, and Carrie Fisher are all open to make a return.

I know, your mind was just blown a little, wasn’t it?

The focus of their report is Ford’s willingness to return which is coming from an apparently very reliable, though unnamed, source. This source told EW Ford was not only, ”open to the idea” of returning but that he’s ”upbeat about it.” Guess the hope is his return to the Star Wars universe will go over better than his return as Indiana Jones, amiright? Also confirmed by this source is the possible return of Hamill and Fisher, which isn’t surprising sine we know two of the first people George Lucas told about Episode VII were Hamill and Fisher.

While Ford is open to reprising Han Solo he does have a few conditions. Mainly that before he’d sign on he’d need to see a script, know who was directing, and possibly be written a juicy death scene. All of which I’m fine with, so Disney, just do it already!

I’m warming up to idea of an Episode VII more and more, and what I’d think would make an excellent story would be those three characters handing the reins of the franchise to newcomers. It would give fans a sense of legacy and transition that wasn’t afforded us with the prequels. What are you guys feeling? Do you want them to include as many of the original actors as possible? If so, what would you like to see Luke, Leia, and Han doing after all the years?

Source: /Film

Matthew Vaughn to Direct ‘Star Wars Episode VII’? That’s the Latest Rumor

Since the momentous announcement Star Wars Episode VII is a real thing, actually happening, within our lifetimes, all anyone can ask is, “Who’s gonna direct?” Lucasfilm and their new daddy, Disney, herald a 2015 release date and if that’s the case there’s much to be done in the short three year time span As of now we know next to nothing and nobody in their right mind would confirm anything without an official press release, but Collider may have an interesting theory. Could Matthew Vaughn be in talks to direct Episode VII? And if Collider is willing to wager their reputation as a reputable news source, I’m willing to give it a listen.

Their evidence is this, not too long ago Vaughn suspiciously and unexpectantly dropped out of directing X-Men: Days of Future Past, the sequel to his 2011 X-Men: First Class. It was truly a startling development in the production of the hotly anticipated sequel, one that was only calmed when it was announced longtime X-Men franchise producer Bryan Singer would return to helm the project. What could cause Vaughn to leave the project? Let’s put it this way, if Lucasfilm and Disney are offering you the chance to direct Episode VII, would you say no? Of course not! And once Vaughn was able to leave Days of Future Past in the capable hands of Singer there’d be no reason not to leave.

Sure, it’s pure speculation backed up by Collider’s sources, but I do believe it’s worth considering. At least we can fantasize about what a Vaughn-directed Star Wars movie would be like. What say you bastards?

Source: /Film