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Podcast: Episodes #2 — Doctor Who and the “Dinosaurs on a Spaceship”

This week, on the second installment of Episodes! Jason is joined by ‘Dinosaur Planet’ musician, comic book nerd, Whovian, and real-life British person MJ Hibbett to discuss the 2nd episode of Doctor Who‘s 7th season, “Dinosaurs on a Spaceship”, because we really just couldn’t resist doing another Who ep.

So, what is the Episodes! podcast? It is NerdBastards‘ second podcast and it focuses on the wonderful world of television. Good shows, bad shows, new shows, old shows — all are in danger of having one of their classically good or classically bad episodes deconstructed and examined by our host — Bastardcast co-host Jason Tabrys — and a weekly special guest. Yes, really it’s quite grand.

Note: This week’s episode was supposed to be “The Body” from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but our intended guest had a minor accident that de-railed her appearance. Worry not though, she is A-OK and we expect to have her on in the near future.