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machete kills

New Red Band Trailer for ‘Machete Kills’ Has Plenty of Guns and Ham


It’s more fun and dismemberment with Mexico’s most-feared ex-Federale, Machete in Machete Kills, the follow-up to the grindhouse-esque tribute film by Robert Rodriguez, which is in theaters on October 11. To get you warmed up for the film, a new red band trailer has just been posted to the internet, and IGN is bringing it you, via us.

So what wonders does it contain? Well, there’s some prime slices of ham courtesy of Charlie Sheen and Mel Gibson for one, at least two kills by chopper blade, as well as some, uh, high-caliber gun work courtesy of Sofia Vergara.

But why take my word for it, roll the trailer below to take a look:

Machete Kills, starring Danny Trejo and veritable ton of the hottest women in Hollywood, is out on October 11th.

Source: IGN