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Predat-awww: $12 Tee Today Only! [Deals]

predator cats

The Predator doesn’t hunt cats-it’s just not sporting. However, he does enjoy tormenting them with his tri-laser now and then. Unfortunately, all his laughing has resulted in a few accidents.

This t-shirt is only $12 if you grab it today!

Product Page ($12)

Nerdy Bits: 15 Shades of Geek, Harley Quinn Is A Feminist, Play Poker With Zelda, Scary Robot Plays Catch and MOAR!

Every day the internet produces an astounding amount of goodies and gems. Most hilarious, some amusing, but all worth at least a few seconds of your time. We here at Nerd Bastards try to bring you the best bits of news and nerdery the webz has to >” target=”_blank”>offer, with a bit of snark thrown in. But sometimes not everything makes the cut. Monday through Friday we’ll be bringing you our inbox leftovers, our forgotten bookmarks, the nerdy bits that simply slipped through the cracks. You can submit items to Nerdy Bits by emailing us at

Above: Photographer Joey DeMarco and Allyson Averell (whose work we’ve featured frequently) just released the 2013 15 Shades of Geek calendar, which features geeky chics painted to look like their favorite characters. Yes, lads, that’s all body paint. Purchase the calendar at Etsy.

These Millennium Falcon Truffle Ships are made to order, you can choose what kind of chocolate goes on the outside and what kind of filling goes on the inside. I’m drooling on my keyboard. [That’s Nerdalicious]

Next year NECA Toys will be releasing a 7″ Chell figurine. Super cool thing? Her ASHPD lights up and glows blue, just like in the game. [Nerd Approved]

Can you say “Angry Birds Star Wars Jenga Death Star Game” three times really fast? Neither can I, but you can play it for $22.49. [Geek Alerts]

Did you know that adding a little bit of Iron Man makes any costume better? Check out individual shots at Fashionably Geek.

ThinkGeek has holiday cards for the snarky Grinch in us all.

Chloe Dykstra dresses up as Aela the Huntress from Skyrim and looks even more beautiful than usual. [Fashionably Geek]

Harley Quinn doesn’t much like her recent hyper-sexualized costumes. (I may or may not have saved this photo as “fuckyeahharleyquinn”) [Your Lovely Quinn]

EX-TER-MIN-ATE your thirst over at ThinkGeek with these dalek-table tumblers.

These Legend of Zelda playing cards, originally designed by Nelde in 2011, are finally available for purchase. You can check out more images of the cards at Nerd Approved and purchase them at FanGamer for only $15.

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A beautiful space porn-y tribute to Mars Curiosity Rover, which is currently doing science in space. [Geeks Are Sexy]

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I’m sorry, the face on this thing is just terrifying – but hey, it can play catch! [Geekologie]

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Check out this seriously cool trailer for the Doctor Who fan film Time War that’s scheduled to be released next year. [MTV Geek]

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The flipbooks I made as a child never looked as awesome as this Dragon Ball Z flipbook. [Nerd Approved]

And now, T-Shirts You Gotta Buy…TODAY! (Before they’re gone.)

(Click ’em to buy ’em)

Don’t forget about our Nerd Bastards’ tees, available at Split Reason!

Buy a NerdBastards Tee

(Use coupon code “CHEAPASS15 to save %15)